You can read all about the expirement --HERE--
I am so excited. I was hoping it would go OK, and it has.
The roots are growing really well, as you can see in the pictures.
The leaves did get a bit dry at the ends, but I just snipped that off.
Also I ended up taking quite a few leaves off from the base.
They were starting to rot, from being submerged in the water.
They were starting to rot, from being submerged in the water.
I have changed the water three times, since putting it in the vase, and so far so good. I will end up planting it in dirt soon.
My carrot on the other hand, not so good, lol. I really wanted to swap out the DEAD carrot for a growing one, and say it also was thriving but I am being honest, it just shriveled up, and looks pretty scary. I actually left it up, for my halloween party --READ ABOUT THAT HERE-- and I can tell you several people got grossed out, by banging their head on the DEAD hanging carrot, lol.
Anyhow, I knew that it would also grow, but maybe not as a hanging carrot plant. I think had it been one of those massive huge carrots, that would hold more water, it might have had a chance.
Either way, low and behold, when I went to the store last week, the bag of carrots I bought, were literally all growing. PERFECT, so I just cut the tops off like 12 of them, and stuck them in little tuna cans, with some pebbles, and look at these beauties now. Oh yeah, that's what I am talking about.
So go grow you some fruit, and vegetables.
This was surely fun, and I will update again, in a few months, to let you know how it's going, I mean growing. :)
Don't these look awesome, well everything except that DEAD carrot. I am so happy it turned out. I hope you all enjoyed it.
I am linking to these fun parties. I have added a link list, so lets see if this helps my problem of adding the party buttons, lol. Go ahead and add your party if you would like me to link up, just make sure to leave a comment telling me you've done it, so I can make sure to link up.
As always ENJOY!
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